The Area Rate Vote
It’s Vote Day! Looking forward to seeing members of the community come together and, VOTING YES for the proposed area rate! We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again. The Village of Waverley is special. It has many unique places, events and activities that we’ve all grown to love and enjoy. It is a community in every sense of the word and this wouldnβt be possible without dedicated volunteers and strong community leadership. Itβs unknown to many residents that community volunteers maintain the trails, run the special events, apply for grants and coordinate much of the work and projects that are accomplished throughout the village. Weβve been fortunate over the years to receive decades of municipal support through a community Service Rate. Unfortunately, the Waverley Service Rate was abruptly cancelled by HRM 2 years ago leaving the Waverley Community Association scrambling to maintain operations while working towards establishing both temporary and sustainable long-term funding solutions. The idea of an Area Rate is our last hope to bring funds to support the community-run initiatives that make our village so special, including:

Gold Rush Days

The Village Green Concert Series

MacDonald Sports Park

Waverley Museum

Waverley Community Hall

Halloween on the Green

Christmas on the GreenAnd more!
It takes a village to do a lot of things, but now we turn to our villagers to keep the legacy of our historic nature trails and community events alive.
How can you help?
VOTE YES to the Area Rate, because #ittakesavillage to make this happen.
The ballots you received in the mail will be accepted via mail-in until October 31st.
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